However, since every kid has to have a reason to dress up and ask for candy, the Dutch have declared Sint Maarten's Day as a national holiday.
Sint Maarten was born in "modern-day Hungary", joined the Roman army, rose through the ranks, and was knighted by the Roman Emperor. Aside from being a good soldier, he also found a calling to help the poor, the homeless, and under-priveledged children. He soon dropped the army to become a monk. As a monk he traveled Europe and started a half dozen monestaries.
I don't know why, but today, Holland has adopted Sint Maaren as the patron of all things "almost halloween". On every November 11, kids will walk the neighborhoods, with pails ready for candy, and sing to the neighbors for a treat.
In our neighboorhood the local band also got together and paraded right in front of our house. As you can imagine it was a cool night because the kids were super excited to get into the candy.
It was a cool "improptu" evening.
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